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Flexible Services, Rent a car and Leasing

Availble new cars from days to years!

Select Car


You can trust us

Our fleet has only new cars

Our fleet cars are new and coming from our dealerships.

Car Leasing

Car rental and leasing services for individuals and professionals.

No hidden fees.

Without hidden fees - with the signature of Gianniris SA

From one day to years

Keep the car for as long as you need it.


Frequent Asked Questions

Gianniris  Rent offers flexible car rental services.

You can select the car that suits your needs and keep it for as long as you need it.

Our cars are brand new and coming from our authorized car dealerships.



Benefits of car leasing:

  • You have only a monthly fee 
  • Tax benefits
  • Select the car you want
  • Offer car to professionals and employees without risk

Select the car you desire and the dates of booking

We communicate for the final arrangements

Ready to pick up your car